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You Don’t Have to Live With Unwanted Tattoo

It seems illogical to rush to something that is permanent. Yet we find ourselves in an instant gratification situation. Maybe the decision for a tattoo isn’t exactly impulsive, but we do grow as individuals and may not identify with that artwork anymore. The days of living with a tattoo you HATE are over. There are several options, that all our artists can provide. 

Complete Cover up: The artist will design a tattoo that will bring your eyes away from the unwanted images. These are often larger and quite successful in the complete eradication of the previous image. 

Reworking: This remedy for an unwanted tattoo is a bit like a facelift. The image is still very visible, but the lines, colors, and details are done over. This is a great option for aging tattoos that may have lost their luster. 

Today I would like to showcase some work done by Pineapple. From the image attached below, can you tell which tattoo is a cover up? It’s a tough call, right?

How do I go about booking a cover up with Pineapple? Call the shop to book a consultation with Pineapple. He will sit down with you and discuss options for the cover up. He likes to take photos and design the cover up right on top of the old tattoo. This makes for an extremely effective cover up. We would love to work with you. 

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