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Tattoos: The Regrettable & Forgettable

Many of us have them.

Whether it was poorly executed, something boring or uncreative, a bad design, something ‘dated’ (like a Y2K tattoo), an ex-girlfriend or boyfriends name (or in my case, their astrological sign), or what have you. Quite a lot of people have a regrettable or forgettable tattoo. Some of us certainly do.

Most of these tattoos often happen due to getting them suddenly, and without really thinking about it. Or it could be a case of bad timing (like a Michael Jackson tattoo before the allegations came to light).

Maybe you got a portrait tattoo from someone that is clearly unskilled in the very difficult craft of accurately executing a remarkable portrait. We’ve all seen the literally quite scary and poorly done portraits of people’s children. We recall seeing one of an infant that ended up looking like Wallace Shawn (Vizzini from The Princess Bride), and nothing like the picture of the baby.

Perhaps, you simply just got something boring or meaningless to you. When most people get a tattoo, it’s planned out and has meaning behind it. But some people were just itching to get a tattoo and didn’t really think about what they were getting, and ended up getting something essentially pointless.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with getting your partner’s name tattooed on you (I just suggest waiting a bit to make sure the relationship is going to last). And clearly a portrait of your child is a wonderful idea, but take enough time choosing a competent artist that you KNOW can do it right.

Getting the right tattoo is important and getting it done right is equally as important. If you can’t afford the right artist for the job right now, save up. There is no reason to rush to get a subpar tattoo. Wait until it can be done just as you envision it, by the right artist.

Don’t be one of the bearer’s of regrettable and forgettable.

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