Pain is a part of the tattooing process. It’s a right of passage, and it’s part of the experience. It shouldn’t be something to be feared in the least. The vast majority of people, after their first tattoo, express that it wasn’t nearly as bad at they expected. It’s very true. We often get into our own heads just to find out it was all for nothing. Concentrate on the beautiful work of art you will be getting instead.
When it comes to pain, there are various tricks to help, and without the aid of chemicals! First and foremost, it is recommended to avoid using numbing creams. There is a chance that your tattoo will become distorted after healing, due to the way the skin reacts while it’s chemically numb. Also, if you apply the cream too close to the time of your tattoo, it may not be numb yet. Alternately, if you apply it too early, there’s a good chance it will wear off too soon.
One of the more common ways to aid in pain is simply breathing exercises. Keeping your breathing steady and focused helps take your mind off the pain. They teach this to expecting mothers in lamaze classes. It’s a surprisingly effective method.
Having a stress ball around to squeeze can also help. Again, it’s mostly a way to focus your attention in a different direction, but it works. A steady motion of squeezing the ball and releasing it helps you keep a rhythm, which keeps you occupied.
Another great way to help with pain cessation is to just bring along company. Having a friend with you to chat, make you laugh, exchange stories, etc is a successful and fun way to keep your mind elsewhere, and it helps pass the time faster.
One more great way is to just bring a tablet and watch a movie or browse social media. Again, it’s a distraction and keeps your mind elsewhere. Like bringing a friend along, It’s also a great way to make the time fly, especially if it’s a movie that you love, no matter how many times you’ve seen it.
As you can see, the easiest and most common way to help is to keep your focus on something else and be distracted. If you sat and just watched the tattoo being applied, you are literally focusing on what you shouldn’t be if you’re trying to make the experience less uncomfortable.
Just remember, the pain is temporary, the beautiful art is forever.
Watch our video about numbing creams by clicking the link below!
Read our article about physical reactions regarding tattoos by clicking the link below!
If you’re ready to get your next tattoo done, schedule an appointment with an award-winning tattoo parlor. Here at Lucky Bamboo Tattoo, we have some of the best and most experienced tattoo artists in the Salt Lake City area. We can tattoo any style you’d like, and our artists can even design your next piece as well.