

Vitalii Kravchenko

Greetings my friend, My name is Vitalii, but mostly peoples know me as Pradd. I’m a tattoo artist since 2014
I won’t tell you stories about how I became a tattoo artist, maybe you’ll hear it from me personally. Instead I’ll explain you what exactly I do.

A tattoo for me is a historically correct tradition when a person identifies themself in society.

There is a wide variety of styles, ideas and so on … Tattoo allows to both a client and a tattoo artist to create something new, fantastic, distinctive and harmonious together. 

I have been doing historical reenactment for a long time. More than 18 years old. And the main direction for me is the Viking Age. I love it very much … This is a very important time for Europe … for the formation of statehood. It is also very beautiful, especially when it comes to art.

I fell in love with all these ornaments from the very beginning. And not only Scandinavian, but also Slavic, Baltic and so on. All Northern culture. Plus, I have degree as a historian. Was at the archaeological site. And all this seems to me so simple and beautiful. Really simple. Although, everyone sees it differently. It is precisely because of this that I decided to engage not just in tattooing, but in these ornaments. 

You can endlessly talk about the theme of northern ornament. This is a huge layer of culture of a large number of peoples of the 8-12 centuries. I don’t call it Scandinavian ornament. Somehow, among fellow tattoo artists in this direction, the designation Nordic ornament was fixed. Since this is not just an art form exclusively of Scandinavia, but also of the peoples adjacent to them, to which the Slavs can be attributed, for example.

And since the Viking era is the era of travel, the mixing of cultures and genres was commonplace. Basically, the ornament itself remained on the surfaces of artifacts (objects created by human hands), in the form of carving on bone and wood, jewelry, and stones. Others pictorial sources are extremely rare due to their poor preservation.

Upcoming Travel Dates:

  • Phoenix Tattoo Arts Festival

    September 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2023

  • New Orleans Tattoo Arts Festival

    September 8th, 9th, 10th 2023

  • Nashville Tattoo Arts Festival

    September 22nd, 23rd, 24th 2023