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We would like to announce three new ways we are Rewarding Our Clients!  The first of the 3 new programs at Lucky Bamboo is our Bumper Sticker Kicker. It’s simple take a picture of your car with the new Lucky Bamboo Tattoo bumper sticker on it. Email the picture to us along with your contact information, and we will send you a $25 Gift Certificate! The Second program that we are proud to announce is our App Attack program. Download and Review our app, email a screen shot of your review along with your contact information and we will send you a $25 Gift Certificate! And the last program that we are proud to announce is our Review and Reward program. Write a google review about your experience at Lucky Bamboo Tattoo then email a copy of the review along with your contact information to us and you will automatically be entered to win a $50 Gift Certificate at the end of the month. Send all emails along with Contact Information to [email protected] Also; all contact information should include Name, Address and Phone Number.

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