There are many myths surrounding the tattoo industry and those that work in it. Of course, there are many myths regarding tattoos, themselves.
There’s always stigma attached to the tattoo world as a whole. It’s taken many years and many tattooing advocates to help shake the negativity that plagues this very old art form. The fight, most certainly, is not over. It continues, but we’re winning.
- TATTOO ARTISTS ARE MEAN/TOUGH GUYS: Well, like any other person in any other business, you have that jerk(s) that works with you. The tattoo industry is no exception. Therefor, labeling this as a generality is false.
- ONLY CRIMINALS GET TATTOOS: Not at all true. People from all walks of life get tattoos. In some cultures, the holy men and shaman are adorned with tattoos.
- TATTOO ARTISTS GET IN THE BUSINESS JUST SO THEY CAN TOUCH PEOPLE: While possibly true for a very small percentage of people, this is very largely false. Quite a few artists actually refuse to tattoo genitalia or other areas on the body.
- TATTOO ARTISTS ARE WILD AND LIVE WILD LIVES: Nope, actually for most, it’s the opposite. Yes, many artists like to go out and have fun when time permits, just like anybody else. However, a real tattoo artist is usually spending a good portion of their free time drawing, honing their craft and spending time with their families. Really good artists are sometimes afforded the opportunity to travel and appear as guests in other studios or at conventions, but that time is usually spent doing work.
- TATTOO ARTISTS ARE ONLY IN IT FOR THE MONEY: No, accountants are only in it for the money. Tattoo artists, while enjoy getting paid for their skill, also enjoy the process of the art itself. Sure, there are some out there, known as ‘scratchers’, that only in to tattooing for the money, but they aren’t tattoo artists.
- PEOPLE WITH TATTOOS ARE LESS PROFESSIONAL: Oh? Tell that to all the CEO’s, multimillionaires, celebrities, doctors, lawyers, politicians, professional athletes etc. that have tattoos. In short, the worlds richest person, Elon Musk, has at least one known tattoo.
- YOU CAN’T GET A JOB IF YOU HAVE A VISIBLE TATTOO: See example above. Though, at one point this was somewhat true, not so much these days. More and more employers and looking past your love of ink at just at your resume.
- I SHOULD GET FREE TOUCHUPS: Why? Do you get free touchups on your car’s paint? Your house? Not only does it cost the artist money any time they do a touchup, it also costs them time, which is also…money. After you finish your meal at Denny’s, do you go back a month later and expect free drink refills?
- IT HURTS LESS IF YOU’RE DRUNK: False. Alcohol numbs the mind, not the limbs. Also, there are laws in most states that make it illegal for a tattoo studio to give someone who is drunk a tattoo. Any reputable shop will turn you away if you appear drunk or intoxicated.
- YOU CAN’T GIVE BLOOD IF YOU HAVE A TATTOO: Not true. You can still donate blood if you have tattoos. However, most places would like you to wait a little while after getting a tattoo before you donate.
- CHEMICALS IN A POOL WILL FADE YOUR TATTOO: During the healing process, you don’t want to go swimming. It’s bad for the tattoo and the healing process. However, once completely healed, chemicals in pools, like chlorine, do not fade a tattoo. The sun, however, might over time.
- IT HURTS LESS TO GET A BLACK & GREY TATTOO OVER A COLOR TATTOO: No, different colors of inks don’t hurt any more or less. It’s ink. This misconception may stem from the fact that sometimes you have to go over the same spot more times to fully saturate a color, where as black saturates with less passes.
- TATTOOS CAUSE CANCER: Nonsense. Where there may be some really low quality inks out there that may contain carcinogens, there is no known link to tattoos and cancer.
- NUMBING CREAMS DON’T EFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE TATTOO: This may be true in some cases, but not in others. Your skin changes while being effected by a numbing cream. Therefor, if you are getting a tattoo done while using some, the tattoo may become distorted after your skin relaxes back to its normal state. It’s best just to tough it out to be on the safe side of the outcome you are expecting.
There are many misconceptions and myths about the tattoo industry that are just not based in fact or reality. Don’t believe the hype and do your own research.