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Get the Word Out-Leave Us A Review!

Whether you are a long time client, or you have only gotten the one tattoo (so far) from us, we’d love it if you could leave us a review! We’d like to showcase the work our artists put into their passion, how clean we like to keep the whole studio, our private rooms, and so on. We truly want your experience to be the best it can be. Our artists do their very best to try and create something for you based on what you imagine. They take personal pride in their art and whole-heartedly want you happy, whether you decide to come back to see us again, or not. The studio staff wants your booking process to go smoothly and that you are treated well. None of this is hyperbole, we 100% want all of our clients happy and will do whatever we can, and within our power, to make that happen.

Google Link: https://g.page/r/CZTuKK5PAAT6EB0/review

Facebook Link: https://m.facebook.com/LuckBambooTattoo/reviews/?ref=page_internal

If, for some reason, you didn’t have a good experience, please call the studio manager at 801-497-9700 and explain how things went wrong so that we can can do better.

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