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Current Trends In Tattoos 2023

Trends come and go. In fashion, food, music and even tattoos. Often, they go hand in hand. That Chumbawumba tat you got in the 90’s probably looks great, but it’s now quite dated. However, if you got a Beatles or Pink Floyd tattoo back in the day, it’s still very cool (unless it was a portrait of Yoko).

In recent times, some tattoo styles or designs are gaining momentum. Here’s a sampling of what people are gravitating towards in the tattoo industry.

  • Bright/Bold Colors: Very vibrant colors are making stride in nearly every facet of style of tattoo, with an obvious exception to Dark Art and fine-line (even though, I’ve been seeing more desire for colorful fine-line as well).
  • Minimalist: Very basic, lacking too much shading, color or depth, yet still exhibit a level of beauty and quality.
  • Anime: Anime tattoos have been popular for years, and they just seem to be just getting more popular.
  • Video Games: Like Anime, video game tattoos are getting more popular as well. Both are often of characters, scenes or well-known dialog. Both are often quite colorful in nature as well.
  • Micro-Realism: It’s just like it sounds. Very small, realistic looking tattoos, often of floral, insect or animal subjects.
  • Realistic Floral: These have been popular for ages, but still very much in demand.
  • Neo-Traditional: Very similar to it’s original namesake of American Traditional, but with far more depth of color and shading.
  • Geometric: Designs, very often in bold black and grey, in geometric designs, often of different styles, blending together to create a beautiful pattern, which is unlike Mandala, which has a purposeful and delicate flow.
  • “Sticker” Tattoos: No, not a literal sticker, but an actual tattoo designed to look exactly like a sticker that has been applied to the body (see article pic, done by our artist, Tawni). A lot of us really want one of these.

If you are reading this, that means you are probably familiar with Lucky Bamboo Tattoo. So, the good news is that we have artists here that are more than qualified to do any of the above tattoo trends or other styles that may suit you.

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